Busan, South Korea

Tioga Lake

Population: The population of the city of Busan is 3,635,389. The population of South Korea is 47,470,969.

Location: Busan is located on the southeastern tip of the Korean Peninsula at 128?Ơeast longitude and 35?ƍ north latitude. It is an international city linking the continent and the sea. Busan is located on the same latitude as Tokyo, Kabul, Los Angeles, Memphis, Beirut and Algiers.

Climate: The climate of South Korea tends to be temperate, with rainfall heavier in summer than winter.

Local Time: The local time of Busan is Greenwhich Mountain Time +9 which is seventeen hours ahead of Los Angeles.

Capital of South Korea: The capital of South Korea is Seoul.

National Day of South Korea: Liberation Day, 15 August (1945).

Flag of Korea: The flag of Korea is white with a red (top) and blue yin-yang symbol in the center, there is a different black trigram from the ancient Ching I (Book of Changes) in each corner of the white field.

City of Busan
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